Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A Snowy Desert Scene

A winter storm brought a rare treat to the Las Vegas valley yesterday. This inspired a short drive west to the Red Rock National Conservation Area.  Enjoy our beautiful desert covered in a light dusting of snow!

(More words seemed unnecessary).


  1. Amazing! Looks very great.

  2. No hiking that day, I had a better offer...hanging out with my daughter who's home from college for the holidays. She's not into hiking, so we only walked a little ways down a trail before her feet were getting cold and wet. What a great day though...snow and time with my baby girl!

  3. I love it when it snows in the desert. It always seems to magically transform a familiar landscape into a totally new world.

  4. I love seeing photos like this, it's amazing how different the landscape looks with even just a little bit of snow.
